Policy & Issues
The mission of the Texas Oil & Gas Association is to promote a robust oil and natural gas industry and to advocate for sound, science-based policies and free-market principles.
Explore TXOGA Policy & Issues
Natural Gas Facts
Natural Gas Facts
Landowners Rights
Landowners Rights
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness
Energy Summit Series
During September and October of 2020, TXOGA hosted a virtual energy summit series “Powering Your Community” across seven different regions of Texas dedicated to discussions with statewide leaders.
Energy Summit Series

Mobile Oilfield Learning Unit
In Spring 2020, TXOGA teamed up with the Oilfield Energy Center to bring the Mobile Oilfield Learning Unit (MOLU) to 50 schools across the State of Texas.
Mobile Oilfield Learning Unit
Winter Weather Prep
Winter Weather Prep
Myth Vs. Fact
TXOGA is separating myth from fact, so you can better understand the oil and gas industry and the role industry plays in powering modern life in a cleaner, stronger, better way.
Myth vs. Fact

Cimate Statement
The Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) is a trade association whose members represent the entire value chain of the Texas oil and natural gas industry, which account for nearly half of the nation’s total oil supply and one-quarter of natural gas production. Our members enrich human lives throughout Texas and the world by providing affordable, reliable energy to consumers. Our members prioritize environmental stewardship and collaboration in developing innovative solutions and breakthrough technologies to meet the energy demands of today and the future.