A Day In The Life: A Chevron Console Supervisor

Will Bentley is a console supervisor for the Chevron Pipe Line control center in Houston, Texas. Will and the control center team manage the pipeline systems to ensure Chevron safely meets its daily commodity transportation commitments and protects assets through diligent surveillance of remotely monitored facilities.

“We’re looking after 3,000 miles of pipe carrying about 1.2 million barrels, every day.”

Will is responsible for overseeing the operations and control of pipelines across the continental United States. He also sees his role as a mentor and enjoys helping people grow their capabilities, take on greater responsibility and move upward into other roles.

“Being a supervisor is often like being a coach, and helping people overcome limitations or master new skills has been very rewarding to me.”

Read more here: https://www.chevron.com/stories/i-am-a-console-supervisor


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